Wednesday, January 30, 2008

feeling weird (x_x)


lost my hadouken spirit these few days
where have my ambitions gone?

kinlik, kinlik.. WAKE UP!

the C U L P R I T (part 2)

now that 6600 GT is out of the scene, who qualifies for the next suspect?? is it the monitor?? maybe not. tried with aa's LCD and the same thing happened. hmm..

Potential Culprit 2: Dust
i heard that dust might carry conductor materials on. d layers of dust on my everything-you-can-call-them-cards in my cpu may just be it! frequent tiny short circuit may be triggering the auto-shutdown mechanism of say, the power supply?

it might also be the layers of the dust on the processor fan, and it seems heat couldn't find their way out. And this time perhaps the auto-shutdown mechanism of the processor.

Short-term solution:
wipe the layers of dust, only to see them rendezvous again in 2 days time.

Long-term solution: dissect the processor fan (the heat sink is HOT), remove the dust.

happily, the sudden show-down rate has decreased about 40% of the time.. but then again, what's with the other 60%? investigation is resumed~

Sunday, January 27, 2008

the C U L P R I T (part 1)

my beloved pc has been restarting herself a trillion times since last semester. with in-depth observation and thorough "analysis", it seemed like these were highly potential causes of the havoc wrecked

Potential Culprit 1: The Graphic Card
it has been an issue since i got my Nvidia 6600 GT from Sang Ye 1.5 years ago for 200 bucks, and ever since, there has been occasional display problems. monitor goes blank and cpu refuses to start-up (or shut down)

Short-term solution: pull out monitor port and reattach it. There's a 20% chance that it comes back alive

Long-term solution: erm, 6600 burnt last December while i was feasting on Hellgate: London. now reverted to motherboard's graphic card *peace*


My final semester!

Finally the 8th and final jail term!

Haha, not exactly as horrible, but it feels nice knowing the days of earning real cash is getting real near.

Major tasks in this semester:
--> fly, KUBE, fly!
--> complete my germicidal lamp production plant write-up with ground-breaking speed
--> fulfill my contract for SL by March
--> *forgot*
--> celebrate Chinese New Year~

@ utm debates will continue to grow and flourish
@ jasmine getting distinction for theory
@ my dad striking the lottery

i smell the next phase of liafe*

*quoted from Cerventus

Saturday, January 26, 2008

No, I'm not dead!

YES, i'm alive!
NO, i'm not dead!

lol, it's really been awhile since logging in.
well, time to catch up!