Tuesday, November 18, 2008


The change is constant, constant means change
For a soul who endeavors massive rocky plains
As I walk tirelessly, surviving on self belief
That a change shall return, and return my dreams

Change then presents itself, granted me a pitch
When hopes rise to the mountain tip, and drown into the seas
As I seeks refuge in constant, the more furious is change
And why does it swing so hard, when I hold unto you harder??

Would change then bring my dream closer? And what would I need
To ride on change, without falling flat on my face
I dream of you every night and day,
And have you felt the sincerity, that lies deep within the footsteps
Of the little walk in the past 65 days

And one day, I fear my journey might end
When change decides to rid of me, and my tiny self believe
That you are a god-sent, where every moment tastes sweet
until change becomes constant, and devours every bit of me

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Do well Sweetie

It's the 3rd day becoming "friends" with you =) There are so many things I want to talk and laugh with you but.. I don't know if now is the right time.

It's your 3rd day of work as well. Is the environment conducive? Is your PC finally here? Are the colleagues friendly? haha.. so many questions on my mind actually =P

But never mind la! I'll be patient.

By the way, really glad to hear from you tonite =]

Friday, September 19, 2008

Go go Kube!

2 of my 3 yearly goals is achieved *applause* and now the last!
Kube is undergoing a rigorous system test-run.

Had a big headache when deciding between capital cost and time. Still..i prefer cash businesses =)

By the way, moving into software programming and financial planning soon!

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

all about timing, opportunities and money

i never thought things would turn out like this. they suddenly announced the investment of RM 10 mil on building infrastructure and software systems massively nationwide, and sells exactly the same thing, with 90% the same system and market. i couldn't help but to sit and read through the articles in silent agony

sometimes building a business is just like this - when we have the vision of a future market, we must grab that opportunity FAST. and to grab opportunity we need cash. a lot of times when both are not available at the same time, it's just gone..

i'll be lying if i said this news did not affect me much.. well, the frustration is there, time has been put into the project, all i need to do is to move forward

Monday, July 14, 2008

Wouldn't your bachelor degree be wasted??

Scenario A

XX : hey kinlik! why aren't you applying for engineering jobs?
Me : nope
XX : wouldn't your 4 years in uni be a waste??

Post-Scenario A

XX : hey kinlik! what r u doing now?
Me : i'm a music teacher! ^^
XX : O.O wouldn't your 4 years in uni be a waste??

both scenarios repeated again and again for the past 11 months, and i thought it's time to write up a script of my answer to make my life a little bit easier.

but before i state anything down, let's ponder on some of my critics against common beliefs. i invite everybody (yes, including the professors and mensa geniuses) to look through them below

  1. Since when universities are meant for a stepping stone to careers?
  2. Does majoring in any academic field automatically confines the student to what he must work as upon graduation?
  3. Does getting 5 scrolls bring a person anywhere in his life?
  4. what is defined as waste anyway?
it was never meant to be one. a university is a place that prepares students to understand the meaning of life. you learn about family and friendship, genuine and ugly ones. it is a place of infinite learning possibilities and opportunities. if you value books enough, you'll know what i mean. it is also a place that makes you tough and steady for facing years of emotional onslaught (especially when for a non-local taking its first steps without knowing anyone)

the recognition of a puny degree must never be the only reason to be in university.
but given the status quo, it has became one. reasons? education is a recession-proof industry, parents get "face" if their son or daughter is a degree holder, companies benchmarking freshies with CGPAs and the hopeless education systems that builds brainless robots. society norms has distorted the perception of the general public. possession of a degree now equals to pride and cash

i sincerely believe we have to look beyond the norm, because it is the little and intricate things in life that give us the best of everything.

so... what have i learnt from university? i've learnt:

  1. to cherish the precious moments i have
  2. to be the contrarian
  3. that retirement planning works only if it's started early
  4. that right and wrong is a social standard
  5. to respect time
  6. to respect money
  7. to manage public relations
  8. that some people boast high IQ but suck in EQ
  9. the definition of success
  10. that people are selfish
  11. that it's only natural to be selfish
  12. that there's too much more to be listed
Yay! Now feast on the answers as much you want. lol

Sunday, June 22, 2008

the C U L P R I T (part 3)

My beloved iCute Duo Core was fine and dandy when I was back in Kajang, and suddenly in early June, it literally shutdown up to 20 fucking times without fail in ONE (1) DAY! This is ridiculously annoying. No more tries and tests. No more to the PC store. All uninvited particles are removed, all unnecessary components unplugged. Casing locked on, PC reformatted.

Who was the culprit? Nothing to do with CPU fan malfunctioning and overheating. Nothing to do with underpowered power supply. Not the dust's fault also. It ended up to be the two auxilliary fans. THEY SHORT-CIRCUITED =.=

When the fans are removed, there were zero shutdowns until today.

Case closed on 20th June 2008.

Sunday, May 11, 2008

i love music; i might not

dear jaz is in kajang for the week. it's all excitement n musical.
she was coughing n tired, perhaps due to the busy preceding week, trips n all.

i like her music. while blogging behind her she played some church music, i think. it felt sad. whenever i hear people saying that music lifts spirits, and people play to release their "tensions", i couldn't help but giggle silently in the heart.

music was never a remedy for bad moods, it's an amplifier. a person who plays a solemn piece in a bad mood fills you in his position. Prokofiev's compositions were born under Stalinist rule, not knowing when the KGBs would storm in and shoot him down. Mozart endured poverty when he wrote and played music. A person in love can play a music so charming and joyful it makes you envious

when the music stopped, she picked up d phone called her mom, sobbing. must have really missed her mom. i guess that was what induced the sentiments

be strong, jaz!!

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

feeling weird (x_x)


lost my hadouken spirit these few days
where have my ambitions gone?

kinlik, kinlik.. WAKE UP!

the C U L P R I T (part 2)

now that 6600 GT is out of the scene, who qualifies for the next suspect?? is it the monitor?? maybe not. tried with aa's LCD and the same thing happened. hmm..

Potential Culprit 2: Dust
i heard that dust might carry conductor materials on. d layers of dust on my everything-you-can-call-them-cards in my cpu may just be it! frequent tiny short circuit may be triggering the auto-shutdown mechanism of say, the power supply?

it might also be the layers of the dust on the processor fan, and it seems heat couldn't find their way out. And this time perhaps the auto-shutdown mechanism of the processor.

Short-term solution:
wipe the layers of dust, only to see them rendezvous again in 2 days time.

Long-term solution: dissect the processor fan (the heat sink is HOT), remove the dust.

happily, the sudden show-down rate has decreased about 40% of the time.. but then again, what's with the other 60%? investigation is resumed~

Sunday, January 27, 2008

the C U L P R I T (part 1)

my beloved pc has been restarting herself a trillion times since last semester. with in-depth observation and thorough "analysis", it seemed like these were highly potential causes of the havoc wrecked

Potential Culprit 1: The Graphic Card
it has been an issue since i got my Nvidia 6600 GT from Sang Ye 1.5 years ago for 200 bucks, and ever since, there has been occasional display problems. monitor goes blank and cpu refuses to start-up (or shut down)

Short-term solution: pull out monitor port and reattach it. There's a 20% chance that it comes back alive

Long-term solution: erm, 6600 burnt last December while i was feasting on Hellgate: London. now reverted to motherboard's graphic card *peace*


My final semester!

Finally the 8th and final jail term!

Haha, not exactly as horrible, but it feels nice knowing the days of earning real cash is getting real near.

Major tasks in this semester:
--> fly, KUBE, fly!
--> complete my germicidal lamp production plant write-up with ground-breaking speed
--> fulfill my contract for SL by March
--> *forgot*
--> celebrate Chinese New Year~

@ utm debates will continue to grow and flourish
@ jasmine getting distinction for theory
@ my dad striking the lottery

i smell the next phase of liafe*

*quoted from Cerventus

Saturday, January 26, 2008

No, I'm not dead!

YES, i'm alive!
NO, i'm not dead!

lol, it's really been awhile since logging in.
well, time to catch up!