Sunday, June 22, 2008

the C U L P R I T (part 3)

My beloved iCute Duo Core was fine and dandy when I was back in Kajang, and suddenly in early June, it literally shutdown up to 20 fucking times without fail in ONE (1) DAY! This is ridiculously annoying. No more tries and tests. No more to the PC store. All uninvited particles are removed, all unnecessary components unplugged. Casing locked on, PC reformatted.

Who was the culprit? Nothing to do with CPU fan malfunctioning and overheating. Nothing to do with underpowered power supply. Not the dust's fault also. It ended up to be the two auxilliary fans. THEY SHORT-CIRCUITED =.=

When the fans are removed, there were zero shutdowns until today.

Case closed on 20th June 2008.

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