Thursday, August 23, 2007

it hurts, and it hurts so much

went for a regular bowl of indomie mee goreng for supper..
got a little burn on the edge of my palm when i accidentally held the metallic part of the handler while washing it up. it's a pain that comes gradually, worse as time passes, then goes off eventually

it's the kind of torment when u sent me that message in response of mine in july, a decision that should have and "had" been made months ago for a step we never should have took after the first, a taboo, an action that had consoled yet devastated both u and me

it was clear but unclear, it was confusing and hesitating, it was all just plain stupid. it was a result that was already expected, it was a bond never meant to be

we loved, needed and were there for each other.. thank you for the calls and encouragement, support and guidance, fun and companionship for the past few months, and i know u appreciated mine as well

it was a dream come true, and i still remember your words on that beautiful Sunday, when we first took each others' tingling hands and lips.. "we could had have each other"

i loved you, and i still do.. goodbye

Monday, August 20, 2007

Back on track~

things are getting back on track~

sharing some joy with yu tian and seniors for tomorrow's convo (erm.. later today? =P )..!
no more double classes in SL + a precious 5-day break - enough time for my PSM, assignments & hobbies. Wahaha..

the sad part is missing kajang frens' gathering.. missed all of you.. T.T

Friday, August 17, 2007


it was an amazing journey during the months of july and august! finally sat back and really enjoying life as a web developer wannabe

started with HTML, XHTML, CSS and now, Javascript, PHP and later XML.. wonder how AJAX is used..

moreover, there'll so much more hybrid languages emerging in the future..

For server-side scripting, i chose PHP over ASP for the following reasons:
1. It's FREE
2. It's a C-based language, very familiar and easy to adapt
3. Works in both IIS and Apache
4. Platform conversion to total L(inux)A(pache)M(ySQL)P(HP)

the only setback now is setting up the Apache server. Gruesome process since i know nuts about cgi-bin, or knowledge on compilation in Visual Basic C++

gonna get over with this soon.. See to it!

Frust Week ==> Critical Level <==

1. Accused of stealing some pathetic papers
2. Ever changing tuition classes - a center that bitches the hell out of you on "integrity" and "responsibility" and then gives you DOUBLE classes and pays you for ONE
3. Mixing with people who wants EVERYTHING and be responsible for NOTHING
4. ANOTHER accusation of stealing. shitpie
5. Waiting whole night for groups that goes out for happy hour, park their cars at the gate, and comes back just to tell you - 你还冲了凉,打了DOTA?整个村在等你!I've checked at least 5 damn times to see if u guys are back. Took a bath came out and all this. Now who's waiting for who?

There's only so much one can tolerate.

Dudes, fuck you all.

Long Time

It's been awhile.. moved into my new home in Jln Kebangsaan, a 3-storey house and BIG rooms! it's a dream come true~
(even though i need to pay both college dorms and here) but hey, it's hell lot of freedom and 24-hrs internet!
2 extremely vital elements. Must enjoy this one year. ~MUST~